Sunday, May 13, 2012

Here I am mother's day eve 2012. It's been a good day celebrating with my lovely husband and 6 children. Guess what my day revolved around?
Food, yep true to my Italian roots we planned out all three meals while having smashburger for dinner last night :/ My hubby made me yummy cinnabon inspired challah french toast, fried eggs, bacon and sugary ,creamy iced coffee for brekie. Lunch was  lemon grass chicken salad and spicy breaded chicken with rice and a spring roll. Dinner? Roast chicken, copious amounts of buttered noodles with parm and corn.  Not to mention a 1/2 bottle of chilly vino verde (some with lunch and some with dinner). Oh a huge soda from sonic.
No wonder I need to loose around 100lbs....
Guess what I asked for mother's day?? A weight watchers subscription- irony at it's best eh?
Well come Tuesday- payday- will start my fat attack.
Journey with me?